By The Sea

Laid out on the sands, lifeless, like her prince had been after she saved him from the wreckage of his ship, Ariel gasped and cried out as the cold, salty air burned inside her throat. Her lungs felt tight, impossible to fill. Every inhale was torture. Almost as painful as the blood boiling hot through her veins.
But neither compared to the agony she’d suffer when she used her new legs. The witch had warned her. Each step would feel like she was walking barefoot on blades. It sounded rather unpleasant.
He’s worth it. Ariel pushed up to her knees and ground her teeth as the first hint of pain shot through her. Those eyes, that hair…
Laughter rose up from the ocean and rolled around her, deep and powerful and more than a little frightening. Not her father, he never laughed when enraged.
Perhaps Poseidon?
“Neither, sweet child.” A massive wave crashed onto the beach and receded to reveal a man as big and strong as any of the gods she’d ever seen. Bronze curls framed his face, chiseled as the stone statues of heroes of old. “I am Theseus, and I am here to save you from yourself.”
A nervous giggle gurgled past Ariel’s lips. If her tongue had not been sacrificed to the witch, she would have told him that only one could save her. And she had to find him first.
Theseus knelt at her side. “No. At best that fool will break your heart. At worse he will be the death of you. I won’t have it.”
Ariel held up her hand and shook her head.
He took her hand and brought it to his lips, kissing her fingers as he spoke. “He loves the maiden he first set eyes on when he woke on these very shores. Not you, Ariel. He will never love you.”
Tears welled in her eyes as she shook her head again. Her prince would never love another. He belonged to her.
“I have watched you for years, giving my heart to you a little more each day. It was yours when you pulled that boy from the sea and gave him back his life.” His hands trapped her face and his thumbs swept away her tears. “In all the lifetimes I’ve lived, I’ve never been drawn to a woman like I am to you. You’ve dreamed of finding a way to possess a soul in the way of those who walk the earth. I can give you that. I can love you, unconditionally.”
A frown creased her brow. She cocked her head, uncertain if he knew what he said. For a soul to be hers, her man must love her above all others.
“I do.” He bent down a lay the softest of kisses on her lips. “To prove it, I will give you my blood. The blood of the prince will return you to the sea. My blood will give you your voice, make these legs yours, for all eternity.”
Not for free, Ariel stared at him, wondering what he would give in exchange.
He smiled. “Only immortality, my love. It is nothing.”
With a dagger drawn from the sheath on his belt, he held it over his wrist and locked his eyes on hers.
“A trade, Ariel. I will give all I am, all I could be. But you must give yourself in return.”
Oh, how she wanted to say yes. A precious soul of her very own. He could give it to her.
But could she forget her prince so soon?
“I can make you forget him.” Theseus’ lips tilted as his hand slid down her throat, between her breast, and over her belly. “One night with me and when you are asked about the prince that tempted you away from the sea, your answer will be ‘What prince?’.”
That made Ariel smile. He certainly thought much of himself.
So she mouthed the words ‘One night’ and let him take her away.
Before the night was over, all thoughts of the prince were gone.
But neither compared to the agony she’d suffer when she used her new legs. The witch had warned her. Each step would feel like she was walking barefoot on blades. It sounded rather unpleasant.
He’s worth it. Ariel pushed up to her knees and ground her teeth as the first hint of pain shot through her. Those eyes, that hair…
Laughter rose up from the ocean and rolled around her, deep and powerful and more than a little frightening. Not her father, he never laughed when enraged.
Perhaps Poseidon?
“Neither, sweet child.” A massive wave crashed onto the beach and receded to reveal a man as big and strong as any of the gods she’d ever seen. Bronze curls framed his face, chiseled as the stone statues of heroes of old. “I am Theseus, and I am here to save you from yourself.”
A nervous giggle gurgled past Ariel’s lips. If her tongue had not been sacrificed to the witch, she would have told him that only one could save her. And she had to find him first.
Theseus knelt at her side. “No. At best that fool will break your heart. At worse he will be the death of you. I won’t have it.”
Ariel held up her hand and shook her head.
He took her hand and brought it to his lips, kissing her fingers as he spoke. “He loves the maiden he first set eyes on when he woke on these very shores. Not you, Ariel. He will never love you.”
Tears welled in her eyes as she shook her head again. Her prince would never love another. He belonged to her.
“I have watched you for years, giving my heart to you a little more each day. It was yours when you pulled that boy from the sea and gave him back his life.” His hands trapped her face and his thumbs swept away her tears. “In all the lifetimes I’ve lived, I’ve never been drawn to a woman like I am to you. You’ve dreamed of finding a way to possess a soul in the way of those who walk the earth. I can give you that. I can love you, unconditionally.”
A frown creased her brow. She cocked her head, uncertain if he knew what he said. For a soul to be hers, her man must love her above all others.
“I do.” He bent down a lay the softest of kisses on her lips. “To prove it, I will give you my blood. The blood of the prince will return you to the sea. My blood will give you your voice, make these legs yours, for all eternity.”
Not for free, Ariel stared at him, wondering what he would give in exchange.
He smiled. “Only immortality, my love. It is nothing.”
With a dagger drawn from the sheath on his belt, he held it over his wrist and locked his eyes on hers.
“A trade, Ariel. I will give all I am, all I could be. But you must give yourself in return.”
Oh, how she wanted to say yes. A precious soul of her very own. He could give it to her.
But could she forget her prince so soon?
“I can make you forget him.” Theseus’ lips tilted as his hand slid down her throat, between her breast, and over her belly. “One night with me and when you are asked about the prince that tempted you away from the sea, your answer will be ‘What prince?’.”
That made Ariel smile. He certainly thought much of himself.
So she mouthed the words ‘One night’ and let him take her away.
Before the night was over, all thoughts of the prince were gone.